Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Happy Birthday, Hubby.

Warning: Mushy post below... if you hate this stuff, move along.

Well, it's still your birthday in the states; as a matter of fact you were born about 15 hours ago, east coast time, at 6am-ish.

It's an age I won't give away here (but most of our friends know what it is.. it rhymes with "shorty") - and I know that for whatever reason this turn of the age odometer has been tough for you. I know the reasons, but I'm in denial because it's only 3 more years away for me and we all know how quickly that will go!

In September of 1998, nearly 10 years ago, we met on the Internet. The www was still quite young at the time, and so were we. You were sweet, funny, had good taste in music, and you were darned good-lookin'. (You still are all of those things and more.)

Since then we've been through a lot, not the least of which were plenty of days enjoying each other in San Diego, San Fransisco, even Mexico...a kick-ass wedding, a delightful honeymoon traveling up the coast of California, the birth of our daughter, three deployments to a war zone for a total of 2 1/2 years spent apart, a couple of fun family vacations, and a move overseas to enjoy our current adventure. We've spent a quarter of our lives together so far. And it has flown by. Except the deployments, of course.

As you eloquently said last night over the birthday carrot cake - I'm "the happiest I've ever been right now". With you, Mia, our amazing time in Okinawa, and the experiences we've had and continue to have.

I'm so happy we're together as a family, and we're all thriving on that. You support and encourage me in so many ways, you've made me a better woman. I love going out and taking photos with you - and even though I whine about it, your opinions and encouragement You are the most amazing man who I respect, admire, learn from, love more than anything - and more each day, and am so lucky and proud to call my husband. My soul mate. The incredible father of our (mostly) perfect child. My better half.

Happy birthday, honey. Here's to at least.. um, shorty more years.


Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Craig!

erniesbudolab said...

Happy birthday Craig! Wow...if "shorty" makes you feel old, then I must be ancient!

Aviva, your sentiments in this post pulled a few heartstrings...I'm gonna go get a mop and clean up a bit around here.

Folks, put the kettle on. I think I'm about to have another outburst. Quick! Someone hand me a hanky....

Edith said...

Happy Shortieth Birthday Craig!

Anonymous said...

First... hahahahaha...rhymes with 'shorty'.... Second, I love that picture. I think it's teh way she's looking up at him, it's perfect. Third, HAPPY BIRTHDAY CRAIG!!!! You so rock. I'm glad we've gotten to know you guys these last few months... truly truly. :)

Lewellen Family said...

I love mushy posts! Happy Belated Birthday Craig!

Unknown said...

Okay, so I got teary eyed reading this,but then again it's my wonderful brother you're talking about.....

Plus my hormones are still kickin'...:)


Katherine said...

So what is 10 years after "shorty"? Nifty? How old would you say I am, qwerty-two? How old are you, flirty-seven? Love your code talk!
That was mush-EEE! I love it! Happy (belated) birthday Craig!

.E. said...

awww Happy Birthday.. the word that rhymes with shorty is a hard birthday