Friday, December 28, 2007

More pictures.

And Craig with his Holga and I with my Canon, had just headed down to the sea wall for a long winters' snapping. (of pictures) So you know, the kid couldn't be left out!
Here's my honey with his belated holiday giftie!

And I took the SLR, and on the way back I got such a kick out of the long shadows. Here are the Bowmans being goofy on our street.

And since I cannot seem to relay the cuticiousness - adorabletude - sassyocity of her new swingy haircut (it really does move a lot) - and Mia is standing next to me as I type and says, "Say 'haircut that I love' please," - HERE is a little composite of the 'do from this afternoon.


Cherlyn said...

Hello, found you through Okinawa Hai!, and thought, "a fellow Oki blogger"! Beautiful photos!

Melissa (Catlin) Kiser said...

Just wanted to say that you have gorgeous photos on your website. Found you through Okinawahai and I'm moving there in June. Looks like you guys are having fun!